Friday, October 28, 2011

Quality over showboating

   Now I know that the topic of elections and campaigning aren't the most interesting topics to discuss, but knowing what might happen if the wrong person is put into power is a little more intriguing. I decided to bring this up because in my opinion the way that politicians run their campaigning is way out of line and costs extreme amounts of money, and all of this is done to win what essentially is a popularity contest that displays only the faults of the other opponents (usually just the main opponent of the candidate) without saying anything in which they would do to try and win votes. There is really no way in stopping any of this at the moment, but in my honest opinion there really should be considering the millions of dollars that these candidates get for creating a campaign and then making commercials and advertisements that mainly point out very small and insignificant things that they promise to do (i.e. cut taxes, drop the unemployment rate, and make more jobs) and attack their opponents' flaws. What was once a pure poll of who is the better leader all we have now is a hesaid shesaid  war that only uses political slander, and from this we only get what we could consider to be a pick the person who can point out the best flaws.
   What needs to be done first is that strict lines as to what can be said during debates needs to be placed so that politicians will only say what they will be willing to do and propose so that they can help our country better, and not say that their opponent isn't going to do something or that they will go on to do something that is dangerous and my cause a risk to our country. Second for campaigning, candidates can only spend a set amount of funds to get their points across and show that they have what it takes to be the best leader that this country has ever seen. What is currently being done today is that, the person who has the most money will have the most supporters, and if they have the most supporters then they can send out any message that they want and their supporters will still be on their side. This can't continue to be a trend, because our country is going nowhere fast and if we can't find a way out with a leader who won't only use slander, then we'll be stuck here for a good long while.          

Monday, October 17, 2011

Thoughts on killing the economy

In a blog from the Smirking Chimp,  Bob Burnett conveys his thoughts on how accountants or (parasites as he calls them) have been killing our economy from their positions in modern corporations. For instance at one point he said that one of dell's accountants had caused Dell to give itself away to a Taiwanese supplier, and because of this the number crunchers had now predicted that because of the out-sourcing Dell can't create any new innovative technology which is needed to help rebuild the economy. Now this article had caught my attention because i was curious to see what the author had to say about this issue, and from what i read in his article it was pretty hard hitting against the big industries. As for his credibility on this subject i would say that he has some background in being in a big corporation in Cisco where he was a technologist and a founding executive, so in other words i think that he could support his argument. I would have to agree with his statements on the outsourcing considering that if we didn't have all of our major corporations partly managed in foreign countries then we could accomplish so much more and create a much smaller dependence on outsourcing keeping the american citizens employed and circulating the economy more than it is at the moment. Now as for the way Bob Burnett adresess the accountants in many of the big American corporations  , he makes them seem as if they are all heartless criminals that are souly bent on trying to maximize numbers, and the way they achieve this is at any cost that involves workers jobs, benefits, and profitability. I don't agree with the way that he attacks the these accountants, i mean yes they do report fiscal profit and try to manage the economic aspect of the company that they work at, but what he fails to remember is that they aren't at the top of the corporate latter. The head of the corporation is still the CEO and any and all changes or ideas must be passed by the head before anything is finalized, much like our justice system when someone tries to pass a bill. Other than the cruel attacks on the accountants, Bob does an impressive job on proposing where the problem lies in these corporations, which he says is the lack of entrepreneurs and full employment that was caused by the accountants. I believe that he has a valid point about the entrepreneurs being removed from the equation because without any real innovation in the states we don't have much to make that can help us back home when we are having to rely on foreign tech from Japan or Korea. I believe that Bob's audience is all of the small business's and hard workers that have been effected by this attack on our economy and if there was any way to help bring the economy back we have to fix the inequality issue.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Protest on wall street

    In this editorial by the New York Times talks about the protest that took place on Wall Street a while back, saying things that point out how poor of a job that the economy has been doing and that the government is just ignoring the fact that anything has been happening. They were also talking about how the middle class has been getting the front of all this ignorance from the government while the upper class is barely effected by this entire fiasco. They also mentioned that the inequality that's present is only there to bring down the middle class so far out of recovery and bring the upper class steadily higher and higher so that there can be a constant lower class. Now this is obvious that the person who wrote this is a very liberal person in which the way that they support individual rights and how the government needs to take more control of the economics. This person also tries to get the point across to the public by showing everyone that the younger generation is getting forced into the lower portion of the public by having low employment rates that cause the younger generation to be stuck in low paying jobs that do not require degrees or a higher education, which will set them for a life of low paying jobs that they will never get out of by the way that the government is currently running. The editorial mainly focus on how the government is showing favoritism towards the elites of society in which they almost never show any respect to the middle class.  

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Proposal for new methods of security and health payments

 In a recent article from USA Today ( politician Newt Gingrich had proposed a set of new ideas for which the public can pay for things such as: Social security, Taxes, and Health insurance. His proposal also touched ground  on a few other governmental processes, including: illegal immigration, energy production and national security. This proposition of Gingrich could have a positive effect on the way we Americans operate in these situations, for instance on Gingrich's proposal for health care, he would give more options to the elderly which consist of staying with the federal government medicare program or choose to get financial aid to get coverage from a plan of their choosing. I think that having the option of choice is always a great thing to have, but now whether the choices are of any good is a different story. For me the one of the best ideas that Gingrich had was a proposal for a new system that allows younger people to have the option to pay into personal savings accounts, although the only thing that i was curious about was at what age did he have in mind, other than that the idea sounds good because it's giving the younger generation (such as myself) more options, and in my opinion the these options are trying to give us some leeway for the future so in some way, shape, or form the US citizens can have something to look forward too.