Monday, November 28, 2011

A reply for the Occupy Movement

   It's things like this that make me see hope that there are people out there who are willing to fight for a change in our government. When things like these protests happen and then create a spark that engulfs all parts of the nation, it shows me that people are using their power that were given to them by their fore fathers. When we see that the government is failing at keeping our interests in safety, then it is our job to say enough and fight back. 
Too many people are afraid to fight back because of the possibilities in which they will get hurt or caught, but what kind of message is sent out when the government hurts its own people during a peaceful protest? The message is that something should be done. I always wondered what it was like to see all those people during the Vietnam protest, and now i have a greater understanding of why they wanted, no, needed to do what they did. Nothing is ever gained while standing idly by and merely observing the injustice. One must go outside of their comfort zone to be know as a serious combatant for the cause. I loved this article and post, things revolving around the way we as the citizens can influence the government is always fascinating. Devin did a great job of giving an deeper look to the occupy movement, from which i haven't gotten a chance to hear about. I very much enjoyed this post. Thank you.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Loss of Funds for National Parks

I find it hard to find a good reason to cutback on funds that go towards such beauty like our national parks. The wonder that is yellowstone park is falling on hard times and the government is doing very little to help preserve the park and many like it throughout the states, and if we can't preserve the land that we live on then how do we expect to try and fix anything else? So many plants and animals will start to disappear if these parks continue to be ignored by our government, and that simply cannot happen. These parks hold vast amounts history and splendor that every person in America should have the opportunity to enjoy. If these politicians would try to focus fixing these great parks that their forefathers built to keep this land preserved and pure in nature, instead of trying to fill their pockets with cash and the american mind full of distrust.

     The article from Huffington post explains how our national parks are becoming polluted and destroyed year after year, and if nothing is done to try and keep them alive then we will lose them forever, but our politicians in office only care about the financial aspect of our country and not the land that helped to start it. So much money gets spent every year on things like war, and how to stay alive longer, but what is all that worth if we can't live in our country and take in the vast beauty that nature has given us. Yes, i do understand that we must protect our country, but when we use our funds to build a $145,000,000 missile that is only used once it makes me pissed off that we didn't use that money to fix the problems that we have in our oceans, parks and nature overall. Nearly Trillions of dollars are spent on war and security and only a couple of million is used for thousands of projects that are in nature and some of the only times that we ever put more in is if there is a crisis like the oil spill that recently happened, and even then we needed foreign help to find a solution and clean it up. We have all gotten so corrupt that everything that our land stood for is now under a thick layer of filth that our shit covered souls had produced. How can we ever hope to live in a country that we love if the purest side of it is destroyed by fucked up politicians, people who never give a shit, and ignorance that flows as thick as the sludge that we dump into the very waters we swore to protect? I really hope that something is done about this before all of this is too late.      

Friday, November 4, 2011

Business cyber security

I was reading a post that my classmate Shannon made on small businesses and how they are getting attacked by these cyber criminals and I was very surprised to find out some of these facts myself, considering that I plan to enter the business world soon i found some if these things distressing, but at the same time comforting since the Obama administration was on board for helping to stop this from happening. I found this post to be very eye opening especially for anyone that has ever been in a small business or knows how hard it is for these small business to operate and stay alive, and I for one am also glad that the government is trying to help with this situation since smaller business and Entrepreneurs are what keeps america alive and running. I also agree with Shannon on the grounds that it's important to keep everyone in a business protected, considering that without any business (big or small) we wouldn't have any kind of innovation on designs for products, or new ideas for companies, or even competition that drives each and every business to strive to be the best it can possibly be. I would say that I am pretty tech savvy, but i had no idea that small business were being victims of these cyber attacks before i read Shannon's post, so i would like to say thank you for a very interesting and informative post that you have provided.