Friday, November 4, 2011

Business cyber security

I was reading a post that my classmate Shannon made on small businesses and how they are getting attacked by these cyber criminals and I was very surprised to find out some of these facts myself, considering that I plan to enter the business world soon i found some if these things distressing, but at the same time comforting since the Obama administration was on board for helping to stop this from happening. I found this post to be very eye opening especially for anyone that has ever been in a small business or knows how hard it is for these small business to operate and stay alive, and I for one am also glad that the government is trying to help with this situation since smaller business and Entrepreneurs are what keeps america alive and running. I also agree with Shannon on the grounds that it's important to keep everyone in a business protected, considering that without any business (big or small) we wouldn't have any kind of innovation on designs for products, or new ideas for companies, or even competition that drives each and every business to strive to be the best it can possibly be. I would say that I am pretty tech savvy, but i had no idea that small business were being victims of these cyber attacks before i read Shannon's post, so i would like to say thank you for a very interesting and informative post that you have provided.

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