Monday, November 28, 2011

A reply for the Occupy Movement

   It's things like this that make me see hope that there are people out there who are willing to fight for a change in our government. When things like these protests happen and then create a spark that engulfs all parts of the nation, it shows me that people are using their power that were given to them by their fore fathers. When we see that the government is failing at keeping our interests in safety, then it is our job to say enough and fight back. 
Too many people are afraid to fight back because of the possibilities in which they will get hurt or caught, but what kind of message is sent out when the government hurts its own people during a peaceful protest? The message is that something should be done. I always wondered what it was like to see all those people during the Vietnam protest, and now i have a greater understanding of why they wanted, no, needed to do what they did. Nothing is ever gained while standing idly by and merely observing the injustice. One must go outside of their comfort zone to be know as a serious combatant for the cause. I loved this article and post, things revolving around the way we as the citizens can influence the government is always fascinating. Devin did a great job of giving an deeper look to the occupy movement, from which i haven't gotten a chance to hear about. I very much enjoyed this post. Thank you.

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